Hi everybody! :)
My daughter is almost 13 months old and she has NEVER had a diaper rash. She was only sick once her whole life and never even got sick with shots.
The other day my poor sweet girl got a bad case of the runs. Not a big deal, we can manage that... However now her poor little bum is almost blistered with a rash from having diarrhea.
I had to leave her with my parents tonight to go with my husband to get some new lights for our church. When I got to my parents house my mom told me she went number 2 and ran away from her crying cause she knew she had to be changed and didn't want to because it hurt too bad. :( poor baby.
All day today she was so cuddly, all she wanted to do was lay with me and if I was doing something she just laid on the floor watching cartoons.

On the way to my parents house she cuddled her lemur and wouldn't let him go.

She's a trooper though. One tough cookie. In the midst of her pain she still tries to laugh and play. Love her to pieces.
Here's to praying she gets better soon!
Until next time