Hello friends.
So its late and that's when I tend to do most of my thinking. :)
Like an idiot I decided to log into my MySpace account for the first time in years to look at the pictures. I had forgotten how much weight I've gained since my MySpace years.
When a woman gets pregnant its such a beautiful thing. The big beautiful belly, the "glow".... All cute things that come with pregnancy. Minus the part when you have your baby the cute belly bump just turns into a sagging belly bump. And for a lot of woman, a belly bump that WON'T GO AWAY.
I've struggled a lot with my weight during this pregnancy but also even after my pregnancy. My main priority is my daughter so to find time for myself is pretty difficult.
To give birth is a powerful and life altering experience. And us woman are beautiful no matter how our body's turn out afterwards. That's just something I have to keep reminding myself daily as I work towards losing the weight. I know so many woman go through the many body changes of carrying a child. Husbands, don't forget to tell your wife how beautiful she is as much as possible. After all, she did carry your child for nine months.
So woman, stay encouraged. If you don't look like you did when you were 18, well that's okay because you're not 18 anymore. beauty really does come from the inside and if you are confident that you're beautiful other people will think you are too!
Plus: she's way too cute and so worth it

Until next time